The Jordan's Crossing Gazette (JCG) - Our Town's Magazine

Scroll down for copies of the JCG. Please see below for contact and advertising details

Jordan’s Crossing Gazette (JCG) is a publication of the Bundanoon Community Association Incorporated for the people of Bundanoon and the Southern Villages. It is a non-profit publication supported by our advertisers and distributed free of charge to all homes, business and private mail boxes in Bundanoon, as well as village stores and post offices at Exeter, Penrose and Wingello. A complimentary copy is also sent to each Wingecarribee Shire Councillor.

The magazine provides a voice for BCA Inc. and the activities and events put on by its various Sub-Committees are given prominence. In addition, an important feature are the regular columns and personality profiles – Bundanoon is such a rich source of interesting stories. JCG also keeps the community up to date with other local groups’ activities and events. There are also lifestyle stories, a bit of sport, and discussions of ideas and interests.


Editor: Christine Janssen  Email

Advertising: Lorraine Dillon  Email

Design: Bella Gnecchi Ruscone Email


Soft copies of The The Jordan's Crossing Gazette

Please click below for the issue you wish to view or download


TitleDescriptionSizeDate addedDownload
jug jun 2024Weird Things in your backyard18.16 MB24-05-2024 Download
jcg mar 2024Friends & Friendship17.48 MB29-02-2024 Download
jcg dec 2023The Best Gift19.81 MB01-12-2023 Download
jcg sep 2023Echo the Glossy Mural,Interesting ancestors24.34 MB01-09-2023 Download
jcg jun 2023Southern Highlands Carriage Club - Best International Carriage Driving Club/Association19.71 MB14-07-2023 Download
jcg mar 2023John Creighton Wingecarribee Shire's Citizen of the Year 202316.81 MB27-02-2023 Download
jcg dec 2022Glow17.96 MB07-12-2022 Download
jcg sep 2022Being CRAFTY19.96 MB07-09-2022 Download
jcg jun 2022WHERE TO from here?19.03 MB02-06-2022 Download
jcg mar 2022Everything old is NEW AGAIN19.11 MB12-03-2022 Download
jcg dec 2021Looking Back18.76 MB01-12-2021 Download
jcg sep 2021Exceptional people in our community16.21 MB09-09-2021 Download
jcg jun 2021What's that sound14.73 MB02-06-2021 Download
jcg mar 2021How far can you go13.25 MB12-03-2021 Download
jcg dec 2020The joy of giving (and receiving)14.14 MB23-12-2020 Download
jcg sep 2020HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL15.86 MB05-09-2020 Download
jcg jun 2020STAYING CONNECTED IN 202013.04 MB06-06-2020 Download
jcg mar 2020BUSHFIRE SUMMER JANUARY 202014.40 MB11-03-2020 Download
jcg dec 2019RAISING OUR YOUNGEST CITIZENS16.42 MB22-12-2019 Download
jcg sep 2019LAND BASED ENTERPRISE18.77 MB11-09-2019 Download
jcg jun 2019Winter16.26 MB08-06-2019 Download
jcg mar 2019Putting on a performance10.93 MB15-03-2019 Download
jcg dec 2018Behind the Shed Door13.82 MB16-02-2019 Download
jcg sep 2018Our Four-Legged Friends14.91 MB27-09-2018 Download
jcg jun 2018Wild neighbours12.02 MB17-02-2019 Download
jcg mar 2018Fostering sustainability14.30 MB17-02-2019 Download
jcg dec 2017Day Breaks - place to go in and around Bundanoon12.89 MB17-02-2019 Download
jcg sep 2017Artistic Pursuits11.21 MB30-09-2017 Download
jcg jun 2017Hospitality10.25 MB30-08-2017 Download
jcg mar 2017SCOTTISH CONNECTIONS plus What's that bug? Lions at work, Welcomers11.85 MB30-08-2017 Download
jcg dec 2016Celebration! How we like to celebrate occasions big and small15.12 MB04-03-2017 Download
jcg sep 2016HEART STOPPERS - sharks, plane crashes and other near misses12.56 MB27-09-2016 Download
jcg jun 2016Ways we love to keep moving13.08 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg mar2016Trekkers & travellers - local tales from exotic places13.70 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg dec 2015Birds in Bundanoon Backyards: Rapt in birds of prey, Birds in backyards, King of the garden, Saving Mr Black, Birds Count, Birds' backyard11.42 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg sep 2015Canoe Huw, Flying east west, Plane talking, Flying a tray.14.45 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg jun 2015Brigadoon, Honey-bees, Buddy Holly, the World Game, Community Garden, Town Postman15.35 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg mar 2015Bundanoon celebrates 150 years and jcg turns 2016.89 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg dec 2014Former Lives - life journeys, twists and turns16.55 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg sep 2014High achievers - local secondary students' stories14.63 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg jun 2014United families protecting a historic legacy17.31 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg mar 2014The write stuff - Locals bringing words to life18.32 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg dec 2013Just for fun - locals at leisure18.32 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg sep 2013Who cares - volunteers, family and professionals14.82 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg jun 2013All aboard the 5:42 Commuter stories15.34 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg mar 2013Our global village Hugh Mackay introduces local migrant stories16.03 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg dec 2012Health and wellbeing19.94 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg sep 2012Secrets and scandals - tales from the past18.87 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg jun 2012Moving in - young families heading for the hills14.53 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg mar 2012Wheels - car and cycle enthusiasts14.57 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg dec 2011Making music14.53 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg sep 2011Travel tales tall and true10.45 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg jun 201115th anniversary issue - celebrating the progress of a community magazine17.10 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg mar 2011Wild Bundanoon9.70 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg dec 2010Feasting and festivities13.48 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg sep 2010Local descendants of the First Fleet12.12 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg jun 2010The Sport Issue9.96 MB01-09-2016 Download
jcg mar 2010Heart of the town - the Hall turns 758.47 MB01-09-2016 Download
JCG Dec 2009ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME? - visual and performing arts10.27 MB27-05-2022 Download
JCG Sep 2009PONY TALES Horses for coursesBundy on tap / a change at the top / secrets of happiness9.88 MB27-05-2022 Download
JCG Jun 200975 years of working together. Bundanoon Community Association's big birthday9.00 MB27-05-2022 Download
JCG Mar 2009A GROWING TREND Backyard food production 9.28 MB27-05-2022 Download
JCG Dec 2008Santi Forest monks, Music-makers, Collectibles, Volunteers sharing skills, Glad to be home, Josh kicks goals in Japan9.39 MB30-05-2022 Download
JCG Sep 2008PETS Fur,fins,feathers,fangs. Winterfest wrap up, Gear up for Garden Ramble, Catastrophe of cats, The climate debate, Mary Edmanson revered8.87 MB30-05-2022 Download
JCG Jun 2008Education Learning at any age; Horses and carriages; ANZAC Day; Winterfest calendar8.81 MB30-05-2022 Download
JCG Mar 2008HOBBIES Passions and Pastimes;Howard Nicholson;Little Champions9.29 MB30-05-2022 Download
JCG Dec 2007SECOND LIFE Creative re-use of old materialsLocal food and wine for ChristmasThe tale of Tom BarkerBundanoon's youngest authors9.92 MB22-06-2022 Download
JCG Sep 2007PAST TIMES Growth of a Highland villageGale force, Needles and Natter, Bundanoon Movers9.55 MB22-06-2022 Download
JCG Jun 2007OUR HISTORY Bundanoon through the yearsBrigadoon photos, Winterfest calendar8.16 MB22-06-2022 Download
JCG Mar 2007TREES a growing concernClimate change, DIY know-how, Pedalling words, Pilgrimage to Santiago8.20 MB22-06-2022 Download
JCG Dec 2006VOLUNTEERS spending time not money;Photos:Ramble, Fling, Dinner;Bread of Life;Our new heart-starter8.64 MB26-08-2022 Download
JCG Sep 2006WATER liquid goldWinterfest photos, Bundanoon Club, School path9.41 MB22-06-2022 Download
JCG Jun 2006RAILWAY STORIES staying on track, Exeter train disaster, Making music, Un-sharable table, Maori farewell8.27 MB20-08-2022 Download
JCG Mar 2006COLLECTORS passion for possession,A grand entrance, The next step, Two of us: musical duo, Lover's walk8.29 MB05-07-2022 Download
JCG Dec 2005MORTON NATIONAL PARK past and presentGarden Ramble Photos, A Vietnamese wedding, Room for a refugee, A dream come true, Shared table8.56 MB27-06-2022 Download
JCG Sep 2005LIFE (OR STRIFE) ON THE FARMAnyone for croquet, The Davis Kids, Don't get me started, What's On7.62 MB27-06-2022 Download
JCG Jun 2005BUNDANOON TEN YEARS FROM NOW,Green thumbs, dirty knees, Times past at Penrose, Blue-water racer, What's on7.63 MB05-07-2022 Download
JCG Mar 2005Ten Years of JCG, All of Us: Rosnel, Swimming Club's Success7.81 MB20-08-2022 Download
JCG Dec 2004TREE CHANGEIn Praise of Country Lanes, Shared Table, Two of Us, Retiring on a high, Club Profile Cricket, War Dance Photos7.71 MB27-06-2022 Download
JCG Sep 2004STORIES OF BUNDANOON IN WWIICover Story: Our WarAdair to Dream, The Italian Connection, Lou and Lucy Rocca7.26 MB27-06-2022 Download
JCG Jun 2004Toy Town: big boys tell us about their toys;Shared Table in the outback;Two of Us: Kathryn and David Pratt;The Bulletin: a new publication from JCG7.33 MB26-08-2022 Download
JCG Mar 2004Family Matters,Two of Us: David and Annie, Chook Man: Cec Denny,Travelling:kids in the car,Short Story Competition Winner7.02 MB20-08-2022 Download
JCG Dec 2003Hidden Talents - Life meets Art in Bundanoon,Sculpture is just a Stage in Miranda's life, Two of us Trish and Ray Aldridge, Potty about Clay Bruce Pryor8.15 MB30-06-2022 Download
JCG Sep 2003Building in Bundanoon,Two for the road David and Kay Lidgard, Russian Splendour, The Amber Room, Bob's Mission is building in the Philippines7.94 MB30-06-2022 Download
JCG Jun 2003Brigadoon 2003the day in photographs,Health& Lifestyle changes: Solar Springs, The Lansdown Sisters, Travel in Vietnam, Ray Pryor6.96 MB20-08-2022 Download
JCG Mar 2003Kelly's Gang at the Chinese Restaurant,Neville and Stefan, Bush Tucker, Passing Through6.21 MB30-06-2022 Download
JCG Dec 2002Bundanoon Pool now and then,Audrey Petersen living treasure,Bundanoon Hotel Celebrates 80 years6.38 MB01-07-2022 Download
JCG Sep 2002Bundanoon Village Garden Ramble,two of us John and Elizabeth Royal,native plant gardens planting and design,puzzle page6.53 MB01-07-2022 Download
JCG Jun 2002Brigadoon stories and photos,the two of us David and Judith Fairall,the shared table David & Gerda Foster5.56 MB01-07-2022 Download
JCG Mar 2002Bush Christmas6.09 MB20-08-2022 Download
JCG Nov 2001Merry Christmas5.48 MB13-08-2022 Download
JCG Aug 2001Sponsor a Tree6.21 MB13-08-2022 Download
JCG May 2001High Noon at Bundanoon5.75 MB13-08-2022 Download
JCG Feb 2001Sausages and Stakes5.89 MB13-08-2022 Download
JCG Nov 20004.11 MB24-06-2024 Download
JCG Feb 20002.47 MB24-06-2024 Download
JCG Nov 19992.72 MB24-06-2024 Download
JCG Aug 19992.50 MB24-06-2024 Download
JCG May 19993.31 MB24-06-2024 Download
JCG Feb 19992.68 MB24-06-2024 Download
The Bundanoon Community Association has a long & proud history and has existed for over 80 years. The Association (BCA) strives to achieve the following objectives:

  • Enhance the beauty & unique village of Bundanoon, regarded as one of the most attractive villages in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales.
  • To foster a community spirit in the village.
  • To serve and represent the interests of Bundanoon. It achieves this in a variety of ways, including making submissions to the local Wingecarribee Shire Council on planning issues.
  • The Association also seeks to further develop and environment that supports the well-being and contentment of the people of Bundanoon.

The Bundanoon Community Association is responsible for the management of the various Sub-Commitees, each of which has a Covenor. Each Sub-Comittee manages a specigic area of community activity or interest, and is responsible to the BCA committee. As an incorporated body, the BCA has an ethical responsibility to ensure community activities conducted under its banner are both fair and legal.


Bundanoon Community Association PO Box 12 Bundanoon  NSW 2578 Email:


Bundanoon Community Association PO Box 12 Bundanoon NSW 2578 Email:

For current rates for hiring the Hall and other equipment, including pianos, please consult the Hall Sub-committee page for details and forms


Meetings of the Bundanoon Community Association Incorporated. are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month, starting at 7:30pm. Why not come along and keep up-to-date with what is happening in and around Bundanoon? Meetings are held in the Soldiers' Memorial Hall - opposite the Post Office.

Bundanoon Community NoticeboardF_icon.svg  and Lovely Bundanoon are the unofficial Facebook pages of Bundanoon.